The world is changing
We are living in a digital era, we pay for electricity, water and other daily expenses through the Internet, we receive calls and video calls on our cell phones, we send emails to different people or institutions, and all through a cell phone, tablet or other device with access to Internet.
Social networks cover a large amount of time that we invest in seeing how society is, what are the trends, and in what state are the people we follow. On the other hand, Google keeps us up to date on everything we are looking for, a doctor, a restaurant, a gas station, or some place to visit.
For all these data mentioned and many more, if you have a business or office, and you are not present on the Internet, you are staying in the fog, you will soon stop seeing it because we are in an era where everything is searched for on the Internet, be a plumber,
electrician, accountant among others, it is easier to see what other people say about who is the best, which one charges a reasonable price, or which one is faster, and to see its characteristics through social networks, which risks having a painful experience .
At AV Computer Services we are here to help and guide you, so that you obtain a presence on the Internet, and your business emerges as a beacon attracting customers.
Daily time spent on social networking by internet users worldwide from 2012 to 2022